5 Luce Fit Mindfulness Hacks
By Caylie May
Mindfulness is the art of recognising where you are and what you are feeling in the present moment. Many can find this a confronting task as we’ve learnt to adapt to a world of multi-tasking and constantly being on-the-go! We all know it can take a bit of practice to adjust to something new, and as the world continues to spin we will only benefit from the reassurance of healthy self-connection and the ability to tune into our own needs.
Take note! Practicing mindfulness does not need to be as hippy-dippy as you may think it is, make it your own 😉
1.Put your phone in the other room
Is it fair to say that from a mix of technological advancements and evolved social connection we’ve developed a reliance on our phones? For some of us, our entire lives are on our phone! They help us with so much! But on the other end of the scale overuse can cause negative effects and it is all too easy to fall into this habit. Choose one hour in the day to consciously put your phone out of sight (in the other room- I like to hide mine under my pillow) and go make yourself busy! Read a book, do your favourite workout with the music pumping, get your Betty Crocker on and bake something for your neighbour….
2. Slow down and enjoy your meal
Food is a source of joy after all! Mindful eating is as simple as looking at your meal and enjoying every second of how delicious it is. As simple as tasting the flavours and thinking about the goodness they are going to add to your body. As simple as picking up that mouth-watering dessert knowing that you deserve it. Eating mindfully is another simple way we can slow down and enjoy the moment. Try to avoid multitasking with your eating to really reap the benefits. How does this meal make you feel? Happy, energized, strong? What flavours give it that real pizzazz? When will you get round to recording your audition tape for the next Masterchef series?
3. Connect with nature
This one is a favourite for sure! You could choose to have your lunch break outside in the fresh air, or even go for a walk around the block in the sunshine. Perhaps you have the time to go for a hike in the You Yangs or a walk along the beach? Why not do your favourite Luce Fit workout in your backyard? There are plenty of ways we can take in the natural surroundings around us that have added benefits to our mental wellbeing. Let’s be mindful while reconnecting with the beautiful Earth around us.
4. Practice kindness and patience
As much to yourself as you are to others! Kindness is one of our much-loved values in the gym. Being considerate of others is being mindful of how they are and what you can do to help them. Being kind is knowing that everyone is on their own journey of love and happiness but also of really, hard times. As long as you can go home at the end of the day content that you have done the best you can do, that is all that matters.
5. Immerse yourself in doing what you love
Can you think of a time where you felt your happiest? Or when you felt most content? What were you doing? Who were you with? The things you love are the best things to prioritise time for and we can confirm this priority will keep you sane in this crazy world! If you are doing something you love- notice your feelings. This is mindfulness. If you’re still exploring, that’s ok keep exploring! Experience something creative like drawing, singing or cooking? Something constructive, like jigsaw puzzles or DIY furniture hacks. The world is your oyster right?
Anyone can practice mindfulness. If you don’t know where to start, I always draw back to a simple suggestion my therapist taught me a long time ago- wash the dishes. Notice what you see. Notice how the water feels. Notice how the bubbles feel. Notice the temperature on your skin etc.
If you have your own mindfulness stories to share or just want someone to boast to about your efforts (well deserved, mind you) I would love to hear! Send me your mindfulness hacks to admin@lucefitaustralia.com
Caylie xx