Get ready for a whole of gains, sweat, and smiles at LFA.
Our expert trainers are here to spice up your workout routine. Through periodised programming we ensure your training includes the right intensity, volume and tension required to optimise strength and improve aerobic fitness. Say hello to athletic endurance and power (and heaps of new gal pals too).
With our research-backed 12-week training blocks, you can start at LFA at any time and start levelling up your training. Each week in our 12 week block provides a new focus, personal challenge and plenty of variety so you will progress, stay motivated and see your hard work pay off.
Our curated timetable and daily programming ensures your body gets balanced workouts with proper time to recover.
Each day is different to the next. We’re talking dedicated booty days, upper body, and endurance. You name it, we’ve got it!
Start with any class, everything is beginner friendly.