Flexibility and Mobility
Hey Luce Fit babes!
Today I would like to talk a little bit about flexibility and mobility and why they are important for not only exercise, but daily activities too. You may be thinking ‘but what actually is flexibility and mobility, is there a difference?’, so I will briefly explain each of the terms and how they work together.
We all have somewhat of an idea what flexibility means and essentially it is how ‘bendy’ you are in static stretching, for example – touching your toes, grabbing your hands behind your shoulders and how far you can bend to the side. Due to our increasing sedentary lifestyle, flexibility is often reduced considerably- including stretches and exercises that lengthen and loosen the muscles are important to maintain it.
Mobility is more active and focuses on a joints range of motion –not only the muscles extending over the joint but how far that particular joint can move within its capsule, for example the range of motion of the ankle whilst doing a squat, if someone has poor ankle range of motion then they will not be able to squat exceptionally low.
Mobility and flexibility go hand in hand, it is common to have mobility issues if your flexibility is poor, therefore, working on areas that you know are tight/have limited movement would be beneficial to perform physical activities to the best of your ability.
So, by now you’re probably thinking does it really matter if I can’t squat low AF at the gym?
Well no, BUT poor mobility affects the way your body moves in everyday life not just the gym! Working on these issues in the gym can increase the functionality of your body which is going to prevent injuries and joint issues, better your posture, allows you to move more efficiently and prevents related chronic illnesses such as arthritis and osteoporosis later on in life. Overall, have a body that is functioning optimally -you’ll thank me when your 60+ . To figure out whether your flexibility/mobility is not as good as it can be there are some simple tests that can be done pretty much anywhere, focusing on the female body and the main issues of our beautiful bods.
TEST 1 - The first simple test is the knee to wall test, this will give an indication of your ankle mobility. Ankle mobility is important for movement such as squats, deadlifts, jumping, running and walking, having poor ankle mobility and flexibility around the ankle joint can lead to poor knee, hip and back mobility as they try to compensate.
TEST 2 - Another test is the sit and reach test to gain an understanding of lower back and hamstring flexibility, this is important for many movements and tightness in these areas can lead to lower back issues –which is common for women as we like to overextend our lower backs, as well as knee and ankle problems. If you do one of these tests or are already thinking your flexibility/mobility is not the best, then you can always ask one of the Luce Fit team for advice on how to improve it.
Some simple methods to loosen up problem areas are:
Mobility exercises: including mobility exercises to improve your range of motion and flexibility after each workout
Foam rolling: is essentially a self massage technique, loosening up soft tissue will help to regain better range of motion and flexibility after a workout or whilst experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Stretch: warming up/cooling down your muscles by stretching can increase your flexibility if you’re a stiff/inflexible person If you have anymore questions about flexibility or mobility then don’t hesitate to ask! I hope you’ve learnt a little bit more about it.
Xoxo Sloandawg