My 8 Week Challenge Story - Stacey

It was slowly approaching the new year and I knew I had to do something about my lifestyle. 
I didn't want to waste money on a gym membership again as I knew I would make up excuses not to go. The promo for Luce fit popped up onto my Facebook page. It looked like everything I had been looking for... updated equipment, all female classes and only 8 week blocks at a time.
I um'd and ah'd about whether or not to do it and finally I just decided to bite the bullet and meet up with Lucy. The moment I met her and heard how passionate she was, the way she spoke, I just knew I wanted to be a part of it. So I joined and that was the beginning.  
I have battled with my weight for years. In 2013 I was 2kgs heavier than I was at the beginning of this challenge and at that point I was 89kg. I knew in myself that I didn't want to get to 90kg. I joined a gym and got myself a PT and was on my way to a healthy lifestyle. I lost 25kg which was wonderful. I was so happy, I kept the weight off for a bit but gradually put it on again.
By the time this challenge came around I was back up to 87kg. I was so unhappy with myself. I didn't like what I was seeing. I had gone back to my old habits of takeaway most days and eating so much bread. I had lost the weight before and I knew I could do it again. So I started the challenge.
Exercises that were challenging during the first week have become so much easier. I strive to lift heavier in all the classes. I feel I'm pushing myself harder everyday and I'm getting stronger because of it. It came time to weigh in for week 3 .
I was so nervous and wasn't sure what the outcome would be. I had been doing everything right. I felt great and was excited to see where I was at. I got on the scales and WOW! I had a total loss of 4.8kg. I was so shocked.
Then came the measurements. A total of 30cm all over. I was so happy that I nearly cried. This is just what I needed to give me that extra push, that extra motivation to put me into overdrive. I knew I could do it. All I had to do was commit. To allow myself to be the best version of me I could possibly be.

I have actually enjoyed spending one day a week food prepping and making sure I am on track for another great week. I made goals with Lucy and I am well on my way to achieving these. We talked about little things I wanted to change in my life like ensuring I included as much exercise as possible.  

Parking my car 2km away from work has allowed me to get in that extra exercise everyday that I wouldn't have gotten had I parked at work. Plus, it has saved me extra cash on not paying for parking! I have also successfully run 10kms non stop in preparation for the Great Ocean road half marathon dispite struggling to run 3 km at the start of the year.

I can safely say that I now don't have the problem of getting up in the morning on my day off and putting something on and then changing it a million times over because I felt horrible in how I looked. This was one of my goals and I have reached it.

I made it to every session. I sweated more than I ever have in my life! I'm ecstatic about my results and couldn't be prouder. In total I had a loss of 9.9 kg but I'm going to round up and say a BIG 10kg haha, and 51cm all over in my measurements. Honestly didn't think I would loose that much.. seriously!!!! Im absolutely over the moon.

So here I am on the last day of the challenge writing this while I get a hair makeover. I feel absolutely amazing. I feel like I could do anything. I'm on such a high pretty much all of the time.

When I talk about this challenge to anybody who listens I tell them only the greatest things. All my friends are incredibly proud of me and the accomplishments I have achieved in this small amount of time. Their support and encouragement along with Lucy's expertise and guidance has given me the drive I needed to succeed.

I look forward to smashing more goals in the next 8 week challenge.

Stacey Fletcher x


Lil's Muesli


Peanut Butter Protein Pops